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From 2014 the aim is to focus on projects to support pediatric oncology hospitals resulting in a significant social impact through a specific plan intended to relieve the distress of the sick children families.

The charity program over a five years period starting from 2014 can rely on a contribution of one million dollars to be distributed in a balanced way and in any case according to the needs which will be identified over time among the Group offices.

In general Augustea will continue its efforts with monetary contributions and support activities to those associations with which a relationship of trust and respect has been consolidated over the previous five years. Therefore, besides confirming the initiatives in favour – for example - of the Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Sailor’s Society, the plan will support the following:

  • Ibiscus, an Italian association (Augusta) which working to develope assistance and research in the field of blood diseases and tumors of children promotes care and social and psychological support of those affected by leukemia and cancer as well as general assistance for their families;
  • the oncohematology pediatric department of the hospital in Catania through the purchase of a flow cytometer, medical equipment that allows to improve the diagnosis in acute leukemias in children and adults and provides accurate patient information with a single sample of peripheral blood;
  • "Puttinu Cares Cancer Support Group", Maltese organization that supports families whose children with cancer are assigned to hospitals in England, when those on the island are not able to grant them appropriate treatment.

Within the constant relation with the Hospital Santobono-Pausillipon in Naples, a project of support to the families of hospitalized children is under study, with the aim to help parents looking for work.
It has also been approved the funding of two scholarships for students of Naval Engineering of the Buenos Aires University, covering tuition fees, travel expenses and purchase of textbooks.
Augustea finally aims to improve internal communication processes and develop a common culture based on corporate values and a shared sense of belonging.

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